Log into the database from the terminal:1$ psql database_name
Create a new table:123456789# CREATE TABLE table_name(column_name data_type, column_name2 data_type, etc);example:# CREATE TABLE trips(block_id int,route_id text,direction_id int,trip_headsign text,shape_id text,service_id text,trip_id text);//And then you should see:CREATE TABLE
Copy the data from a CSV:12345678# COPY table_name FROM '/path/to/CSV_file.txt' DELIMITER ',' CSV;example:# COPY trips FROM '/home/username/Downloads/data/trips.txt' DELIMITER ',' CSV;//And then you should see:COPY XXXX <-number of lines
View the tables and select the table you wish to view:12# \dt# SELECT * FROM table_name;